A good suit is a garment that doesn’t come cheap. However, it is something every man should invest in because of its suitability on various occasions. A good suit requires attention, more than the others. Suits tend to be sturdier than regular clothes when it comes to their wear and tear. Across the ages, men have dressed up in their three-piece suits for various occasions. Whether it is for business, a party, a formal dinner, or a wedding, a suit is something that can be worn for many occasions. A good suit is properly cared for can have long life. A well –made suit can grace you up for many years to come. However, with good suits, comes responsibility as well, it needs to be well-maintained and properly taken care of. Today in this article we will share with you some tips and tricks on how you can clean and take care of your suit.

1- Give your suit a little break

To care for your suit, you need to keep it on rotation with other clothes. Any garment should not be worn more than three times per week. You should give your suit some time off your body to relax and in a well-spaced wardrobe. The air allows the fiber of the suit to relax the wrinkles and breathe. Keep the suit on the hanger and air it for a day or two before wearing it again. If you are someone who only needs to wear a suit on rare special occasions this would be easy to do, however if you wear them regularly it’s good idea to start out with at least 3 suits to rotate with wearing.

2- Keep your suit free of load

When you load up your suit pockets with a lot of stuff, in the external, pants and internal pockets of the coat, it not only puts off the silhouette of the suit but also, alters the shape of the silhouette of the suit. Additionally, it can alter the shape, and the pocket liners can be stretched giving your suit a worn out feel. If you are wearing a slim fit suit, only carry the essentials, phone, house keys, and credit cards in your suit. Don’t overstock it with stuff that is difficult to carry along.

3- Store it properly

A tip for properly storing your suit is to opt for a shoulder hanger that is round, use a wood one for best results, to hold the shape of the suit. A round shape hanger allows the air to pass through the suit evenly, which diminished the chances of dry cleaning. Properly hanging your suit is very important to keep proper care of it. You cannot pile up your suit or put it in the wardrobe without hanging it, and it could potentially ruin its shape. Make a habit of always immediately hanging your suit whenever you take it off, your suit will surely thank you and will be available for you to wear on years to come. When it comes to hanging your pants make its easiest to grab them from the bottom while grabbing each leg by its crease then bringing the legs together so they lay flat.

4- Use a cloth brush

Cloth brushes are used to remove dirt, debris and whatever is present on the clothes. It is probably the easiest and quickest ways to clean your suit. It also extends the life of the suit. Before wearing your suit, give it a quick brush which will remove all the immediate from the suit.

5- Avoid Dry Cleaning your suit often

Although dry cleaning is recommended when cleaning your suit, it does have a drawback. If the dry cleaning is done frequently, it can not only damage the fabric of the suit but also, the color will fade away after frequent dry cleaning. Dry irons are too hot for the fine fabric of suits, steaming the fabric opens it, and allows deep cleaning and takes out stains and marks from the suit. Dry cleaning shortens the life span of the suits and should only be needed once or twice a year for most. You can clean your suit yourself, but if there is a stain that is not cleared even after you have washed it, then dry cleaning is the only option. Another important tip is to always bring your whole suit for dry cleaning; it prevents the uneven fading of the suit. The suit is going to fade a little due to the harsh chemicals and steaming, so washing the whole suit together will prevent the uneven fading of it.

6- Choose your dry cleaners wisely

Although most people overlook this fact, it is important for the overall well-being of the suit to be going in the hands of a good dry-cleaner. Most people give out their suits to dry-cleaners more often that they should. Your suit doesn’t need to be dry-cleaned before every time you wear it, and you can brush off the dust and air it a bit to wear again. If there is a stain which is not going away after washing, then you can send it for dry-cleaning. Giving your suit to credible dry-cleaners is important. Call a few local ones; find out if they do the dry cleaning in-house or not. Make sure to point out your demands and get a confirmation when you are receiving a receipt. These things can make a huge difference in your dry-cleaning experience.

7- Use cloth covers for storage

They are excellent for keeping your suit safe and secure. They also prevent the dirt from entering your suit. You can also purchase your cloth covers and cover your suits with it and then hang it properly in the wardrobe. An important thing to remember is to choose a cloth cover that will allow the air to pass through the fabric of your suit.